This historical data can be sorted and exported as a comma-separated value ( CSV) file, which enables the data to be imported into spreadsheets and other applications. 这些历史数据可以排序,导出为逗号分隔值(CSV)文件,这样可以让数据导入电子表格和其他应用程序中。
The program then changes the column data ( usually by reading a sorted transaction file in the same order as the table data) and writes both the changed and unchanged rows to a sequential file. 然后,该程序更改列数据(通常通过将相同顺序的已排序事务文件读作表数据),并将已变更和未变更的行写入一个顺序文件。
The u option causes the built-in sort command to remove duplicate lines ( once they've been sorted), and the leading% applies that special sort to the entire file. u选项会使内置的sort命令删除重复的行(如果它们已经被存储),前导的%会应用那个特殊的sort来应用到整个文件。
The uniq command normally operates on sorted files, and removes consecutive identical lines from any file, whether sorted or not. uniq命令通常操作已排序的文件,并从文件(不管是否排序)中删除连续的相同行。
The sort command can also merge already sorted files and check whether a file is sorted or not. sort命令还可以合并已经排序的文件,并检查某个文件是否已经排序。
Once you've sorted through what can be discarded, recycled or given away, then buy file folders, shelving, paint, cleaning equipment or whatever you need to do a terrific job. 把该丢弃的,回收的,赠送的都处理下,然后买文件夹、排架、涂料、清理工具,以及所需的一切,这样就能做到完美了(之后你会发现这样做是对的)。
Removes the sorting method you applied. Tasks will be sorted as they are in the project file. 取消您应用的排序方法。任务的顺序将与项目文件中的顺序相同。
Multiple changes are accumulated and sorted in memory then written to disk when a certain configurable file size threshold is reached. 它将多个修改请求有序缓存在内存中,在累计到配置文件预设置的阈值之后再写入到磁盘中。